GCCI Children’s Ministry | 國際大使命兒童事工
Welcome to GCCI Children’s Ministry – GCCI Kids
The GCCI Children’s Ministry aims at the growth of kids and families together on their journey of faith in a fun, relational and safe environment.
- 幫助兒童有得救的確據
- 幫助兒童過得勝的生活
- 幫助兒童以紮實的聖經真理為根基
- 幫助兒童學習全人的敬拜
- 幫助兒童有穩定的QT生活
- 幫助兒童胸懷大使命的宣教異象
Children’s Church’s Mission:
To Feed My Lamb through bible
- Help children receive Salvation in Christ
- Help children conquer challenges in Christ
- Help children build up a solid Bible and faith foundation
- Help children grow a worshipful heart, mind, and sole
- Help children experience a good relationship with God though daily QT practice
- Help children have missionary vision